数据科学与工程系列学术报告"EEG based brain imaging for investigating learning in the real world'


题目:EEG based brain imaging for investigating learning in the real world

讲者:Akaysha Tang(唐璨), Ph.D

时间:2018-02-28 10:30




Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and several other brain imaging methods have offered a wealth of findings about how the brain works to support cognitive functions.  Yet, due to the impoverished context of typical laboratory studies, such findings made from data collected from laboratory conditions provide only biased samples of brain activity.  It remains unknown whether and how well cognitive functions in natural context are represented by the rather sparse data points collected under a few limited experimental paradigms.  Over the years, my laboratory has focused on developing EEG-based brain imaging techniques to enable the investigation of cognitive functions in the noisy natural learning environment.  I will show that (1) single-trial ERPs from specific brain regions (sources) as opposed to electrodes can be obtained during video game playing where free eye movement is present throughout; (2) neuronal sources can be recovered from natural reading aloud where articulation and ocular artifacts are present throughout; (3) neuronal sources can be recovered from resting state EEG data.  These findings suggest new possibility of investigating learning in classroom and home settings and open a window into previously unknown domains of brain function.  Implications for educational technology development will be discussed.



Akaysha Tang, Ph.D. Director, Laboratory of Neuroscience for Education Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. After serving as the Program Director for the Cognitive Neuroscience Program (2012-2014) and for the China Program (2014-2016) at the United States National Science Foundation, Prof. Tang took the position of an inaugural director for the newly established Laboratory of Neuroscience for Education (NfE Lab, NfE.edu.hku.hk) at the Faculty of Education, the University of Hong Kong (HKU). The vision of the NfE Lab is to innovate education by leveraging cutting edge neuroscience findings and neuro-technology. The NfE Lab grounds its basic neuroscience research in the context of actual challenges faced by students, parents, teachers, and policy makers---and works to connect the laboratories with the classrooms and homes where real world learning takes place. Its missions are (1) to enhance learning capacity, (2) to improve teaching effectiveness, and (3) to inform policy. Prof. Tang's research deals with (a) enhancement of cognitive, social, emotional, and neural development in animal models and its translation to human development with focus on the role of early experience of stress and maternal influence; (b) development of high- density EEG based brain imaging to enable the study of a learning brain in children and elderly individuals as well as patient populations in the real world context.
