徐秋荣, 朱鹏, 罗轶凤, 董启文. 金融领域中文命名实体识别研究进展. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2021(5): 1-13.
宁婷, 苗德壮, 董启文, 陆雪松. 逾期风险预测的宽度和深度学习. 计算机科学, 2021, 48(5): 197-201.
Yaqi Li, Qiwen Dong, Gang Liu. Regression Algorithm Based on Self-Distillation and Ensemble Learning. in CSAI '21: Proceedings of the 2021 5th International Conference on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Beijing, China. 2021, p. 209-215.
徐一文, 黎潇阳, 董启文, 钱卫宁, 周昉. 基于聚合支付平台交易数据的商户流失预测. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020(05): 167-178.
李小昌, 陈贝, 董启文, 陆雪松. 基于自编码器的旅行同伴挖掘. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2020(05): 179-188.
Daocheng Hong, Yang Li, Qiwen Dong Nonintrusive-Sensing and Reinforcement-Learning Based Adaptive Personalized Music Recommendation, in Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. 2020, Association for Computing Machinery: Virtual Event, China. p. 1721–1724.
Qiwen Dong, Xiaoyang Jing, Aoying Zhou, Xiuzhen Hu. Biological Language Model-Theory and Application. World Scientific, July 2020, ISSN: 2382-5715. Xiaoyang Jing., Qiwen Dong, Daocheng Hong and Ruqian Lu. Amino acid encoding methods for protein sequences: a comprehensive review and assessment. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2019: 10.1109/TCBB.2019.2911677.
Xiaoyang Jing, Qimin Dong, Ruqian Lu, Qiwen Dong*. Protein Inter-Residue Contacts Prediction: Methods, Performances and Applications. Current Bioinformatics, 2019, 14(3): 178 - 189. Yifeng Cui., Qiwen Dong, Docheng Hong and Xikun Wang. Predicting protein-ligand binding residues with deep convolutional neural networks. BMC Bioinformatics, 2019, 20(1): 93.
殷佳玲, 夏帆, 顾航, 祝翔, 孙晨, 王晔, 董启文, 宋树彬, 傅云斌. 基于微服务的研究生培养系统的设计与实现. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019(4): 83-96.
Yi Han, Jun He, Qiwen Dong. CSSSketch2Code: An Automatic Method to Generate Web Pages with CSS Style, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Artificial Intelligence. 2018, ACM: Barcelona, Spain. p. 29-35.
刘婷婷, 程涛, 金冈增, 王熙堃, 高明. 基于支持向量机的数学公式识别. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2019(03): 78-85.
祝翔, 董启文, 郁可人. 基于WebSocket的PK答题的设计与实现. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2018, 196(2): 89-100.
Jing XiaoYang,Dong Qiwen, Lu \nRruqian. RRCRank: a fusion method using rank strategy forresidue-residue\n contact prediction. BMC Bioinformatics 2017, 18(1):390.
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金丽娇, 傅云斌, 董启文. 基于卷积神经网络的自动问答. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2017, 195 (5):66-79.
李彦斌, 潘妍虹, 顾航, 王雷, 史兵, 孙晨, 夏帆, 董启文,宋树彬. 研究生学籍系统的设计与实现. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2017, 195 (05):213-24.
史兵, 夏帆, 宋树彬, 肖李敏, 董启文, 周傲英, and 徐林昊. 研究生信息平台中运维系统的设计与实现. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2017,195(05):225-35.
肖垚, 毕军芳, 韩易, 董启文.在线广告中点击率预测研究. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版),2017, 195 (05):80-6+100.
郁可人, 傅云斌, 董启文. 基于神经网络语言模型的分布式词向量研究进展. 华东师范大学学报(自然科学版). 2017, 195 (05):52-65
Liu\n B., Wang S.Y., Dong Q.W., Li S.M.and Liu X. Identification of \nDNA-Binding Proteins by Combining Auto-CrossCovariance Transformation \nand Ensemble Learning. Ieee Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2016, 15(4):\n 328-334.
JingX., Wang K., Lu R. and Dong Q. Sorting protein decoys bymachine-learning-to-rank. Sci Rep,2016, 6: 31571.
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HuX.,\n Wang K. and Dong Q. Protein ligand-specific binding residue \npredictions byan ensemble classifier. BMCBioinformatics, 2016, 17(1): \n470.
DongQ., Wang K. and Liu X. Identifying the missing \nproteins in human proteome bybiological language model. BMCSystems \nBiology, 2016, 10(4): 393-399.
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Qiwen Dong, Rajasree, Menon, Gilbert, Omenn, \nYang Zhang, A Structural Bioinformatics Inspection ofneXtProt PE5 \nProteins in the Human Proteome. J Proteome Res, 2015, 14, (9),pp. \n3750-3761.
QiwenDong, Shanyi Wang, Kai Wang, Xuan Liu, \nand Bin Liu, Identification of DNA-binding proteins by auto-cross \ncovariancetransformation. 2015 IEEE International Conference on \nBioinformatics andBiomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2015) pp. 470-475
XiaoyangJing,\n Qiwen Dong*, Xuan Liu, and Bin Liu, Proteinmodel quality assessment by\n learning-to-rank. 2015 IEEE InternationalConference on Bioinformatics \n and Biomedicine (IEEE BIBM 2015) pp. 91-96
Qiwen Dong \nand Kai Wang, Identifying the missing protein in humanproteome by \nstructure and function prediction. The 9th InternationalConference on \nBioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2015).
BinLiu,\n Deyuan Zhang, Ruifeng Xu, Jinghao Xu, Xiaolong Wang, Qingcai Chen, \nQiwenDong, and Kuo-Chen Chou, Combiningevolutionary information \nextracted from frequency profiles with sequence-basedkernels for \nprotein remote homology detection. Bioinformatics, 2014. 30(4): p. \n472-479.
BinLiu, Xiaolong Wang, Quan Zou, Qiwen Dong, \nand Qingcai Chen, Protein Remote Homology Detection byCombining Chou’s \nPseudo Amino Acid Composition and Profile‐Based Protein Representation.\n molecular informatics, 2013. 32(9‐10): p.775-782.
BinLiu,\n Xiaolong Wang, Qingcai Chen, Qiwen Dong, and Xun Lan, Using amino acid\n physicochemical distance transformation for fastprotein remote \nhomology detection. Plos One, 2012. 7(9): p. e46633.
XinGeng,\n Jihong Guan, Qiwen Dong, and Shuigeng Zhou, An Improved Genetic \nAlgorithm for Statistical Potential Function Designand Protein \nStructure Prediction. Internal journal of datamining andbioinformatics,\n 2012. 6(2): p.162-177.
YanfengZhang, Bin Liu, Qiwen \nDong, and Victor X. Jin, An Improved Profile-Level Domain Linker \nPropensity Index for ProteinDomain Boundary Prediction. Protein and \nPeptide Letters, 2011. 18(1): p. 7-16.
Xuan Liu, Lijie \nZhao, and Qiwen Dong*, Protein remote homology detection based \nonauto-cross covariance transformation. Comput Biol Med, 2011. 41(8): p.\n 640-7.
Qiwen Dong and Shuigeng Zhou, Novel nonlinear \nknowledge-based mean forcepotentials based on machine learning. IEEE/ACM\n Trans Comput Biol Bioinform,2011. 8(2): p. 476-486.
Qiwen\n Dong, Yufei Chen, and Shuigeng Zhou, A machine learning-based method \nfor proteinglobal model quality assessment. Internal journal of general\n system, 2011. 40(4): p. 417-425.
Lei Deng, Jihong Guan,\n Qiwen Dong,and Shuigeng Zhou, SemiHS: An IterativeSemi-Supervised \nApproach for Predicting Protein-protein Interaction Hot Spots \nProteinand Peptide Letters, 2011. 18(9): p.896-905.