  • 详细信息

  • 学术研究















主持过国家自然科学基金青年项目、上海自然科学基金项目,参与过国家重点研发项目。主要工作已经发表在IJCAI, SIGKDD, ECML-PKDD, ICDM, Machine Learning等国际顶级会议及期刊上。


Selected publications:

  • Fang Zhou, Ave Gillespie, Djordje Gligorijevic, Jelena Gligorijevic, Zoran Obradovic. (2020) “Use of Disease Embedding Technique to Predict the Risk of Progression to End-Stage Renal Disease,” Journal of Biomedical Informatics, vol. 105, 103409, 2020.

  • Shoumik Roychoudhury*, Fang Zhou*, Zoran Obradovic.  Leveraging Subsequence-orders for Univariate and Multivariate Time-series Classification, Proc. 19th SIAM Int’l Conf. Data Mining(SDM), Calgary, Canada, May 2019.

  • Martin Pavlovski, Fang Zhou, Nino Arsov, Ljupco Kocarev, Zoran Obradovic, “Generalization-Aware Structured Regression towards Balancing Bias and Variance”, Proc. 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2018, pp. 2616-2622.

  • Fang Zhou, Qiang Qu, Hannu Toivonen, “Summarisation of Weighted Networks”, Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 2017, 29(5): 1023-1054.

  • Martin Pavlovski, Fang Zhou, Ivan Stojkovic, Ljupco Kocarev, Zoran Obradovic, “Adaptive Skip-Train Structured Regression for Temporal Networks”, ECML-PKDD 2017, pp 305-321.

  • Tijana Vujicic, Jesse Glass, Fang Zhou, Zoran Obradovic, “Gaussian Conditional Random Fields Extended for Directed Graphs”, Machine Learning, 2017, 106(9-10): 1271-1288.

  • Fang Zhou, Mohamed Ghalwash, Zoran Obradovic, “A Fast Structured regression for Large Networks”, Proc. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Washington, DC, Dec. 2016, pp106-115.

  • Tom Mirowski, Shoumik Roychoudhury, Fang Zhou, Zoran Obradovic, “Predicting Poll Trends using Twitter and Multivariate Time-series Classification”, Proc. 8th Int'l Conf. Social Informatics (SocInfo), Seattle, WA, Nov. 2016, pp273-289.

  • Fang Zhou, Claire Q, Ross D. King, “Predicting the Geographical Origin of Music”, The 14th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 1115-1120, 2014.

  • Hannu Toivonen, Fang Zhou, Aleksi Hartikainen and Atte Hinkka, “Compression of Weighted Graphs”, The 17th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 965-973, 2011.

  • Fang Zhou, Sebastien Mahler, and Hannu Toivonen, “Network Simplification with Minimal Loss of Connectivity”, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 659-668, 2010.



Program Committee Member, 审稿人: CIKM, AAAI, IEEE BigData

We are seeking highly motivated, positive, and enthusiastic students to join our team.

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