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Digitalization is fundamentally focused on addressing social, economic, anddevelopmental challenges through the utilization of information technology. As a resultthe professional standards within the lT field have been elevated, demanding not onlycomprehensive expertse but also exceptional creativity and an entrepreneurial mindsetDaSE is committed to pioneering a novel approach for nurturing top-tier lT professionals.The graduates of DaSE are envisioned as "car-makers" rather than mere "drivers"demonstrating their ability to shape and innovate within the industry. The trainingprogram at DaSE is meticulously designed to be application-oriented, inclusive, andpioneering in nature.

The objective of DaSE's training program is to cultivate individuals with a diverse skillset, capable ofexcelling as both software architects and data scientists.In order toachieve this objective, DaSE has established a rigorous major that impartscomprehensive knowedge and develops robust skills. In 2018, DaSE initiated the CSPproject, dedicated to creating the Curriculum, Syllabus, and Textbooks for thisdemanding major. The curriculum selectivelyintegrates courses from variousdisciplines, including computer science, statistics, and information systems. Sylabuseshave been restructured to ensure a cohesive and unified program. Moreover, each corecourse incorporates additional practical training phases. Textbooks have been rewrittento accommodate the significant changes implemented within these courses.

DaSE has actively pursued innovativeapproaches in student recruitment, as welas the design ofBachelor's, Master's, andPhD programs, along with fosteringindustry collaborations. To recognizeoutstanding achievements in learning.research,and entrepreneurial activities, aswell as exceptional teaching and research,DaSE has introduced enterprise-sponsoredscholarships.These scholarships serve asa means of honoring deserving studentsand faculty members.Furthermore, DaSEhas successfullyestablished numerousjointlabs in partnership with high-techcompanies. These collaborative spacesoffer students valuable opportunities toengage in innovative practices and applytheir knowedge in real-world scenarios.